The Engagement – Independence Pass

Last week I had the chance to spend an afternoon climbing up on the Pass with fellow Aspen Alpine Guides employees Josh Gross and Lynn Sanson. We finished up a day of guiding early and got a few pitches in on the Lower Grotto Wall, including checking out Josh’s new route, the Engagement. It starts with 50 or so feet up 5.10 climbing and then get’s into the business with a couple hard cruxes, finishing on a striking arete. Props to Josh for scoring an FA of such a prominent line on the most visited cliff on the Pass. Some pics from the afternoon and a video of Josh on the route, put together by Tobin Sanson.

One Response to The Engagement – Independence Pass

  1. glad you were able to pull yourself off the beach BJ and get this posted:) Aloha.

    Lynn September 5, 2008 at 11:23 pm
Locals Corner

Bulldog Creek Dog Walk (IV WI 4+)

Hayden Carpenter and Tom Bohanon recently repeated an obscure ice climb on the south side of Mt Sopris. Given a brief mention in Jack Robert’s ice guide, Bulldog Creek Walk is described as being 100 meters of WI 4. What they found was seven pitches of ice in a remote setting that makes for one […]

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